
Books O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1) Download Free

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Original Title: The Surrender of Miss Fairbourne
ISBN: 9892333446 (ISBN13: 9789892333441)
Edition Language: Portuguese
Series: Fairbourne Quartet #1
Characters: Darius Alfreton, Earl of Southwaite, Emma Fairbourne
Books O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1) Download Free
O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1) Paperback | Pages: 416 pages
Rating: 3.6 | 2040 Users | 170 Reviews

Details Epithetical Books O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1)

Title:O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1)
Author:Madeline Hunter
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 416 pages
Published:September 6th 2015 by Edições Asa (first published March 2012)
Categories:Romance. Historical Romance. Historical. Historical Fiction. Regency

Narrative To Books O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1)

Um negócio gerido por uma mulher? Em 1798? Parece impossível! Mas é esse mesmo o plano de Emma Fairbourne após a morte do pai. Apesar de saber que se trata de uma jogada arriscada, ela está disposta até a contratar um belo e encantador homem para servir de disfarce, tudo para manter vivo o legado da leiloeira Fairbourne’s...

Só que o patriarca Maurice Fairbourne tinha um sócio desconhecido, Darius, o Conde de Southwaite. Darius é um homem habituado a ter o que quer e sem o menor interesse em gerir uma leiloeira, muito menos uma (desconfia ele) envolta em escândalos que poderiam arruinar a sua reputação. Não contava era com a vontade férrea de Emma, cuja frontalidade é simultaneamente exasperante e sensual. Darius decide tentar então uma nova abordagem, que não só fará com que ela se renda a ele, mas proporcionará imenso prazer a ambos...

Depois da série As Flores Mais Raras, Madeline Hunter volta a encantar-nos com a saga da família Fairbourne…

Rating Epithetical Books O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1)
Ratings: 3.6 From 2040 Users | 170 Reviews

Criticism Epithetical Books O Plano de Miss Fairbourne (Fairbourne Quartet #1)
Prose as round and smooth as pearls and a wonderful setting. Emma and Southwaite's inability to talk to each other was at times frustrating but always believable. I'm hooked.

The Surrender of Miss FairbourneBy: Madeline Hunter 2 starsReviewed by:AngelsFormat:Kindle/PaperbackPublished:Penquin Berkely LoveSource:Purchased Gene: Historical RomanceBlurbMay 1798 London. Emma wants to keep the family business running. Before dying recently, her father Maurice knew son and heir John, missing two years, still lived. However, Fairbourne auction house is one-third owned by Darius, Earl of Southwaite, who suspects smuggling - of goods and spies. Her plain-speaking plus his

The story began very nicely, and I liked both the male and female protagonists. It was a about a woman in a traditional and sexist society, who wanted to succeed in running her father's business.Her father's partner tried to stop her, but their conflict ended up bringing them closer together, and eventually both had to make some compromises and sacrifices in order to be able to be with each other.I did not enjoy the ending very much, though. The female protagonist became passive and malleable

I read this a while ago, and I can actually remember the fact that I found it boring. Which is something, I suppose. I thought the book had some interesting bits of information, but the main characters were rather forgettable. (Some of the secondary characters, on the other hand, seem to have interesting potential. Handsome Stupid Man and the French woman interested me a lot more. And the ex-friend in old fashioned clothes. Honestly, I remember more about them than the main characters.) (view

I didnt warm up to this book. It actually has a good plot, a mistery and such, but I just didnt fell in love with Darius and Emma. Emma is too naive for a merchant daughter of her age and Darius... I dont know, he always seem flat, no seductive at all. Maybe its just that I dont like bossy males too much lol But, the side characters are funny and Im looking forward for the next ones

Wow. I cant recall a time that this has happened to me with Madeline Hunter. Shes not always a sure thing for me, as I can recall disliking or being disappointed in some of her books, but thats not really unexpected when I look at how much of her backlist I have read. But I have never been so completely bored when reading when of her books. Emmas father, the owner of an auction house, recently died. Emmas brother, Robert, is presumed dead after a shipwreck, but because her father refused to give

Ahh I went on a Madeline Hunter bender and now Imfed up of her style. Three of her last four books I read had an extremely wealthy, successful man who is out to seduce a woman in some peril. Sure we can make the woman sharp or direct but she doesnt stand much of a chance against her rich, powerful seducer even if he becomes noble late in the plot. The power disparity was too much and too depressing for my taste. The sad part is this book had potential to be very witty, sharp and funny. I imagine

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